The Diary service is of significant importance to Members and a priority for Numeris. Similar to many research organizations, achieving targeted sample levels has become more of a challenge. It is becoming increasingly difficult to reach participants due to decreasing contact and cooperation. At the same time, populations are changing and shrinking, and household sizes are decreasing, further impacting sample usage and strain. These challenges can result in low sample returns in some markets, which can have an impact on the precision, or reliability, of audience estimates.

As an immediate response to reduce the strain on the available sample and preserve sample for the Fall 2018 Survey, Numeris will not be measuring the following Radio Central Markets (CTRL) during the Spring 2018 Radio Diary survey which runs from February 26th to April 22nd, 2018.

1. Saint John CTRL (NB)
2. Windsor CTRL (ON)
3. Saskatoon CTRL (SK)
4. Red Deer CTRL (AB)
5. Kamloops CTRL (BC)
6. Kingston CTRL (ON)
7. Regina CTRL (SK)
8. Lethbridge CTRL (AB)
9. Kelowna CTRL (BC)
10. Prince George CTRL (BC)

All of the remaining Spring 2018 radio CTRL markets are not affected and will be surveyed as per the 2017-18 Radio Survey Schedule.

This immediate solution will reduce pressure on the available market sample and help ensure a strong, business as usual, enumeration process for the Fall 2018 Radio Diary survey.

Numeris is taking an aggressive and proactive approach to not only address the issue in these ten spring markets but to also provide the industry with a viable long term solution that will produce on-going sustainable sample representation in all our diary markets.

Numeris is both confident and encouraged about the opportunity to develop new and innovative solutions for the industry in order to maintain the accuracy, precision and integrity of Canada’s broadcast measurement system.

In view of the above, Numeris recommends that members implement a multi-book average approach when evaluating diary survey results.

If you have any questions, please contact your Numeris Member Services Executive.
