The Commission has received an application for a broadcasting licence to operate a new commercial radio station to serve Lloydminster, Alberta/Saskatchewan. The Commission is seeking comments on market capacity and the appropriateness of issuing a call for radio applications to serve Lloydminster. The Commission encourages interested persons, as well as the applicant, to submit additional information, which it will take into consideration before making a final determination on whether it should proceed with a call for applications.
The deadline for filing interventions is 15 September 2017. Only parties that file interventions may file a reply to matters raised during the intervention phase. The deadline to file replies is 25 September 2017.
The Commission expects persons interested in serving the Lloydminster radio market to express their interest during the intervention period. If little or no interest to serve that radio market is expressed, the Commission may publish the application for consideration during the non-appearing phase of a public hearing rather than issue a call for applications.
Read more here.