Radio listening still very healthy in Ontario

Vidler headshotOne of the must attend sessions at this year’s Ontario Association of Broadcasters one day conference in Toronto on 10 November will see Jeff Vilder from Audio Insights  present the results of a custom study designed specifically for the OAB on Radio’s place in the Canadian Audio Landscape”.

Jeff was kind enough to share some of the early information with me and reports that even with the increased streaming to pureplay music services, broadcast radio remains alive and well in Canada,  Of 1,505 Canadian adults surveyed, 6-in-10 listen to AM/FM daily, while slightly more than 1-in-10 turn to streaming music services daily. The pureplay leaders: Spotify (with 29% past week listeners among those who listen to streaming services >1x/week); Songza (17%); and the new Apple Music (11%). Other roadmap insights to be shared at the OAB session: streaming of AM/FM radio on smartphone, and interest in listening to FM chips on smartphones.

Jeff vilder says “There are lots of new ways to listen to music—just as there were in the past with eight-tracks, cassettes and walkmans. Even with the new music streaming services like Spotify and Songza, Canada’s live local radio stations still have very much their own space and continue to do very well.”

You can register for the OAB conference here


