CRTC Announces Three Year Plan

crtc_logoThe C.R.T.C. has announced a three year plan which covers a broad range of activities they oversee, including radio.

It looks like sometime in late 2014 or early 2015 we will see a revised Commercial Radio Policy. The regulator is promising to simplify the framework to make it more efficient and easier to administer. Hopefully that will benefit the radio operators and not just the C.R.T.C. One could read into this that we will hear about changes to Canadian content, some suggestions on the roll out of digital, and some new ways to deal with those operators who break the rules.

In the 2015-2016 broadcast year the C.R.T.C will put into action some of the things announced in 2014-2015, and either hold hearings or make some decisions regarding digital radio in Canada.

2016-2017 may be a year of calm as they monitor progress.

The C.R.T.C has included in this report a scorecard which updates Canadians on progress of a range of items.  You can read the full CRTC report here



