CRTC releases Broadband Report

The CRTC have released their report on Broadband in Canada which shows that virtually all Canadians benefit from the availability of Internet access service, regardless of where they live, whether in urban or rural centres, or remote areas.

The number of Internet subscribers increased from 1.4 million in 2000 to 10.4 million in 2010. Over these years, Internet users have migrated from lower Internet access speeds to broadband speeds, (i.e. download speeds of at least 1.5 Mbps). By year-end 2010, 70% of Canadian households subscribed to Internet access service with broadband speeds.

Most provinces now offer some form of broadband to 98% of the population. Manitoba lagged behind at 89% and Nunavut only offers Broadand to just 27% of their population.

Broadband availability by technology and province/territory, 2010

Province DSL Cable modem Fixed wireless Mobile1 All technologies
British Columbia 91% 87% 73% 98% 99%
Alberta 85% 76% 95% 99% 100%
Saskatchewan 72% 61% 91% 91% 98%
Manitoba 80% 66% 82% 60% 89%
Ontario 89% 83% 93% 99% 100%
Quebec 87% 82% 79% 98% 99%
New Brunswick 80% 71% 48% 98% 100%
Prince Edward Island 77% 78% 97% 99% 100%
Nova Scotia 75% 75% 100% 98% 100%
Newfoundland and Labrador 69% 68% 23% 95% 99%
Yukon 90% 62% 0% 70% 100%
Nunavut 27% 0% 0% 0% 27%
Northwest Territories 41% 60% 0% 62% 89%
Canada 85% 82% 82% 96% 98%

Broadcast speeds are also increasing

Broadband availability, by speed and province/territory

Province 1.5 – 4.9 Mbps 5 – 9.9 Mbps 10 – 15.9 Mbps 16 – 24.9 Mbps 25-100 Mbps
British Columbia 99% 91% 90% 81% 69%
Alberta 100% 85% 84% 82% 75%
Saskatchewan 98% 73% 63% 54% 54%
Manitoba 89% 80% 58% 54% 54%
Ontario 100% 89% 85% 81% 72%
Quebec 99% 84% 80% 79% 73%
New Brunswick 100% 81% 72% 71% 71%
Nova Scotia 100% 79% 71% 50% 50%
Prince Edward Island 100% 71% 54% 44% 44%
Newfoundland and Labrador 99% 77% 64% 40% 40%
Yukon 100% 89% 62% 62% 0%
Nunavut 27% 0% 0% 0% 0%
Northwest Territories 89% 82% 52% 43% 0%

You can read the full report here
