Nov 1-30 “Amaryllis Month”: Contact the Huntingtons Society of Canada for info at
Nov 1-30 “Community Safety and Crime Prevention Campaign.”: See for info.
Nov 1-30 “Christmas Seal Campaign”: Contact the Canadian Lung Association at
Nov 1-30 “National Diabetes Month”: For info, call Jeremy Brace 416-408-7071 or see
Nov 1-30 “Movember”: During November each year, moustaches, or “mo’s” sprout on thousands of men’s faces around the world. These men raise funds for men’s health, specifically prostate cancer. For info see
Nov 1-30 “Lung Cancer Awareness Month”: To increase attention to lung cancer issues – early detection, increased research funding, and increased support for those living with lung cancer. Call the Lung Cancer Association 613-569-6411. Email
Nov 1-30 “National Adoption Month”: Call the Adoption Council of Ontario 1-888-54-ADOPT, email Invite a representative of local adoption centre to extol benefits of adoption on your morning show. Listeners who are adopted can call in with their uplifting stories for a real touchie-feelie show.
Nov 1-30 “National Lifewriting Month”: An opportunity to celebrate ourselves and our families by committing our life stories to writing. Preserving our autobiographies in writing allows us to know ourselves better and to share our stories with future generations. For info email
Nov 1-30 “Peanut Butter Lovers’ Month”: Celebration of North America’s favourite food and #1 sandwich. Info at
Nov 1-30 “Vegan Month”: Vegans choose to neither eat nor use any animal products (eg. meat, poultry, seafood, dairy products, eggs, leather, fur, etc.) For info call 1-877-GO-VEGAN.
Nov 1 “All Hallows or All Saints Day”: Roman Catholic day commemorating the blessed, especially those who have no special feast days. Halloween is the evening before All Hallows Day.
Nov 1 “National Authors’ Day”: Play “famous book lines” or “name the author” trivia with contestants winning book store gift certificates for each member of the family.
Nov 1 “National Family Literacy Day”: To showcase the importance of family literacy programs. Call ABC Canada Literacy Foundation at 416-218-0010 or 1-800-303-1004. Web
Nov 2 “Plan your Epitaph Day”: A forgettable gravestone is worse than death. Check out [click on “The Last Word” link] to get a list of famous quotes on gravestones around the world. Call Lance Hardie at 707-822-6924 or email Web
Nov 3 “Sandwich Day”: 1718 John Montague, The fourth Earl of Sandwich was born in London England. He was the first Lord of the Admiralty, Secretary of State, and Postmaster General. He was also an avid gambler, and is said to have invented the sandwich as a time saving device while engaged in a 24-hour gambling session in London in 1762
Nov 3 “National Men Make Dinner Day”: Have a local chef share easy-win recipes men can make at home. Call Sandy Sharkey at BOB-FM at 613-738-2372 or e-mail or
Nov 4 “Mischief Night”: Observed in England, Australia and New Zealand, it is the eve of Guy Fawkes Day, an occasion for bonfires and crackers to commemorate failure of the plot to blow up the Houses of Parliament Nov 5, 1605.
Nov 4 “Common Sense Day”: A day celebrating common sense, on Will Rogers’ birthday. Rogers said, “Common sense ain’t all that common.” Call Bud Bilanich, The Common Sense Guy 303-393-0446. email See
Nov 5 “Sadie Hawkins Day”: Inspired by Al Capp’s “Li’l Abner” comic strip where women take initiative in asking men out on dates.
Nov 5-11 “Veterans’ Week”: See for details
Nov 6 “ING New York City Marathon”: 38,000 runners from all over the world gather to compete with more than 2.5 million spectators watching from the sidelines. Call 212-423-2249. web:
Nov 6 “Daylight Savings Time Ends. Standard Time Resumes”: Standard Time resumes at 2am on the first Sunday in November in each time zone. “Fall back” one hour.
Nov 8 “Abet and Aid Punsters Day”: Laugh instead of groan at incredibly dreadful puns.
Nov 10 “Edmund Fitzgerald Sinking: Nov 10, 1975. The ore carrier Edmund Fitzgerald broke in two during a heavy storm in Lake Superior. There were no survivors. A great excuse to play that Gordon Lightfoot song!
Nov 11 “Remembrance Day”: Canadian public holiday to honour those who died in WWI and WWII.
Nov 11 “USA: Veterans’ Day”: Formerly called Armistice Day.
Nov 13 “International Tongue Twister Contest”: Burlilngton, WI, 8th annual. For info call 262-763-3946, email
Nov 13 “World Kindness Day”: This day represents the pledge to join together to build a kinder and more compassionate world. For info call Random Acts of Kindness Foundation at 800-660-2811, email, or see
Nov 14 “Loosen Up, Lighten Up Day”: A day to remind people of all the benefits of joy and laughter. Call Stephanie West Allen, 303-935-8866 or email See
Nov 14 “United Nations: World Diabetes Day”: See
Nov 15 “George Spelvin Day”: The anniversary of his theatrical birth. The name is used in play programs to conceal the fact that an actor is performing in more than one role. The fictitious Spelvin is said to have appeared in more than 10,000 Broadway performances.
Nov 16 “United Nations: International Day for Tolerance”: To commemorate the adoption by UNESCO member states of the Declaration of Principles on Tolerance in 1995. See
Nov 20 “Name Your PC Day”: Hey, why not? People name their boats, and there are a lot more PCs than boats these days.
Nov 20 “United Nations: Universal Children’s Day”: A time to honour children with special ceremonies and festivals and to make children’s needs known to governments. For info,
Nov 20-26 “National Games And Puzzles Week”: Sell a remote to a toy store. For information and ideas call Beth Muehlenkamp at 800-524-4263, e-mail or
Nov 21”World Hello Day”: 35th annual observance, in which everyone who participates greets 10 people. The idea is that everyone says hello to ten people they do not know before days end. Check out
Nov 24 “Celebrate Your Unique Talent Day”: We all have at least one extraordinary – and many times weird – ability. Call Shannon Hurd for more info at 720-920-9256, email, web
Nov 24 “United States: Thanksgiving Day”: Legal public holiday in all states.
Nov 25 “Sinkie Day”: “Sinkies” (people who occasionally dine over the kitchen sink and elsewhere) are encouraged to celebrate this time-honoured, casual-yet-tasteful cuisine culture. Email Norm Hankoff, Intl Assn of People Who Dine Over the Kitchen Sink at
Nov 25 “United Nations: International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women”: Observed on the anniversary of the 1960 murders of the Mirabel sisters in the Dominican Republic. See
Nov 25-27 “Better Conversation Week”: Have better, more satisfying conversations by following simple guidelines. Call Dr. Loren Ekroth 702-214-6782. email See
Nov 29 “Electronic Greetings Day”: Save a letter carrier, save a tree, save a stamp! Today’s the day to send your greetings the free, electronic way, via the Internet!
Nov 30 “Computer Security Day”: Reminds people to check the security of their computers and data at both home and work. Talk with a computer security expert about how listeners can avoid unnecessary invasions of privacy. Host a demonstration of security tips, software, etc. as part of a remote at a computer store. Visit or email