Google have quietly been testing their own verion of Facebook called Google Plus. Currently only a small number of peopel have acccess to the new service while Google tests it. However the service could layunch within the next few days.
Google plan to base their Social Networking around Circles. They describe it this way: “You share different things with different people. But sharing the right things with the right people shouldn’t be a hassle. Circles makes it easy to put your friends from Saturday night in one circle, your parents in another and your boss in a circle all on his own – just like in real life.”
You can go here and leave your email address so you are one of the first to know about this product when it becomes available. By the way the page crashed when I tried so either Google has a problem or there are just too many people trying to sign up for this service.
Read more about it here thanks to PC Magazine.
Here is the Google Video about Google Plus