Based on the latest Arbitron Radar 109 National Radio Study to be released on June 20, the number of people listening to the radio in the USA has increased over the last time radio listening was measured which was June 2010. The number of persons twelve and older listening to radio each week now reaches an estimated 241.5 million, representing 93.1 percent of all persons twelve and older.
The study shows that in an average week, radio attracts nearly 96% of adults aged 18-49 with a college education and a household income of more than $75,000 – nearly 22.8 million listeners. Radio reaches approximately 71.7 million adults aged 25-54, or 96%, with a household income of $50,000 or more. Radio also delivers an estimated 95%, or 17.3 million, adults aged 18 to 34 with a college degree – an attractive demographic for advertisers
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