June Is…

“Gay and Lesbian Pride Month”: Observed this month because on June 28, 1969, the clientele of a gay bar at New York City rioted after the club was raided by the police.

“International Men’s Month”: To increase awareness of the many unique issues that impact men’s lives and are of concern to the people who love them. Email Gordon Clay at menstuff@aol.com. See www.menstuff.org.

“Entrepreneurs Do-it Yourself Marketing Month”: Stand out from competition and get media attention. Call Lorrie Walters Marsiglio 630-584-9368.

“Child Vision Awareness Month”: to educate and counsel the public on children’s vision problems. Call 415-479-8628, email ppsi@aol.com. Web: www.ppsinc.org.

“Seniors’ Month”: Ontario. See www.seniors.gov.on.ca.

June 1 “Clean Air Day”: see www.cutaactu.ca/en/clean_air_day

June 2-5 “Shelburne County Lobster Festival”: 4 days of activities in celebration of the lobster-fishing industry in Shelburne County – the Lobster Capital of Canada. Call Marilyn Johnston 902-875-3544, ext 225. email mjohnston@municipalityofshelburne.ca.

June 4-11 “International Clothesline Week”: The public is encouraged to save energy by hanging clothes to dry instead of using their electric dryer. Email Gary Drisdelle gdrisdelle@rogers.com. See www.hangtodry.com.

June 5 “National Cancer Survivors Day”: Hundreds of communities honour survivors who are living with and beyond cancer. Call Natl Cancer Survivors Day Foundation 615-794-3006. Email info@ncsdf.org.

June 5 “World Environment Day”: Observed annually June 5, the anniversary of the opening of the UN Conference on the Human Environment. A day to reaffirm concern for the preservation and enhancement of the environment. See www.un.org.

June 5-11 “Headache Awareness Week”: Educating the public about the reality and severity of headache pain as a legitimate neuro-biologic disease. Encouraging sufferers to consult with a health care provider for proper diagnosis and treatment, and to let sufferers know that there are new treatments available. Call Suzanne E. Simons 312-274-2651.

June 6-12 “National Sun Awareness Week”: To promote education and awareness of the dangers of skin cancer from too much exposure to the sun. See www.cancer.ca.

June 8 “Upsy Daisy Day” A day to remind people to get up gloriously, gratefully and gleefully ever morning.  For info Stephanie West Allen phone 303-935-8866, email stephanie@westallen.com. Web: www.westallen.com

June 8 “World Ocean Day”: A day to celebrate our world ocean and our personal connection to the sea. Call The Ocean Project 401-709-4071. Email bmott@theoceanproject.org.

June 8-12 “The National Tournament”: Spruce Meadows, Calgary, AB. Jumping championship. Call 403-974-4200, email information@sprucemeadows.com. See www.sprucemeadows.com.

June 9-12 “Winnipeg International Children’s Festival”: The Forks, Winnipeg, MB. Song, dance, theatre, mime, puppetry and music. Call 204-958-4733 or 1-800-527-1515. Email kidsfest@kidsfest.ca. See www.kidsfest.ca.

June 12 “Crowded Nest Awareness Day”: More adult children are coming home due to financial and emotional reasons than ever before. Postparenting survival and support is the key for CNS sufferers. Call Kathleen Shaputis 360-791-2041, email Kathleen@shaputis.com. See www.crowdednestsyndrome.com.

June 14 “World Blood Donor Day”: See www.wbdd.org.

June 15 “Nature Photography Day”: A day to promote the art of nature photography as a medium of communication, inspiration, nature appreciation and environmental protection. Call the North American Nature Photography Assn. 303-422-8527. Email info@nanpa.org.

June 16 “Recess At Work Day”: It’s time for a health and wellness break. Breaks are critical for health, alertness and satisfaction and lead to innovative ideas. Call Rich DiGirolamo 203-879-5970, email rich@RichDiGirolamo.com.

June 17 “Work@Home Father’s Day”: To honour those fathers who have elected to work from their house either as teleworkers or home based entrepreneurs. Call Jeff Zbar 954-346-4393, email jeff@chiefhomeofficer.com. See www.chiefhomeofficer.com

June 18 “World Juggling Day”:  Clubs from all over the world will be holding local festivals to demonstrate, teach, and celebrate their art. Email wjd@juggle.org, see www.juggle.org

June 19 “Garfield’s Birthday”: on June 19, 1978, America’s favourite lasagna-loving cat first appeared.  For info see www.garfield.com.

June 19 ”Father’s Day”: It occurred first on June 19, 1910 at the request of Mrs. John B Dodd of Spokane, WA. It was proclaimed for that date by the Mayor of Spokane and recognized by the Governor of Washington.

June 19-25 “Meet A Mate Week”: To inspire singles seeking a partner to take advantage of the summer by pursuing warm weather meeting opportunities. For more information and ideas call Robin Gorman Newman at 516-773-0911, email robin@lovecoach.com  or www.lovecoach.com

June 21 “Baby Boomers Recognition Day”: A day to commemorate the contribution this important generation has made to the world. For info call Dorothy Zjawin at 908-241-6241.

June 21-September 23: Summer is here at long last. In the Southern Hemisphere this marks the start of winter.

June 23 “Let It Go Day” Whatever it is that’s bugging you, drop it. More info: Phone 717-279-0184, email info@wellcat.com.

June 24 “St. Jean-Baptiste Day”: Public holiday in Quebec, celebrating the birth of Saint John the Baptist.

June 24 “Take Your Dog To Work Day”:  To raise awareness of the importance of dogs as companions and to encourage adoptions. Interview someone from your local pet shelter or visit www.petsit.com or www.takeyourdog.com.  For info call 336-983-9222, email takeyourdog@petsit.com.

June 26 “Descendants Day”: A time to contemplate our activities of the preceding year that will impact our descendants and our neighbours across time. Call Charles A. Howell 615-297-7206, email cahowell@comcast.net.

June 27 “Happy Birthday to ‘Happy Birthday To You’”: This day in 1859 the world’s most popular song was composed by Patty Smith Hill and her sister Mildred from Louisville Kentucky. The lyrics were first published in 1893 as “Good morning all” but amended in 1924.

June 27 “Decide To Be Married Day”: This is the most popular month to get married in North America. There are lots of opportunities to tie into events and generate sales revenue from weddings. Call Barbara Gaughen-Muller at 805-968-8567 or e-mail Barbara@rain.org. web: www.paradiseearth.us.

June 28 “National Columnist’s Day”:  Send your favourite newspaper columnist your best wishes on this day. For information call Jim Six at 856-845-3300 or e-mail jimsix@sjnewsco.com.

June 30 “Handshake Day”: Get a grip on a professional handshake today! Call Miryam S. Roddy 215-376-5082, email mroddy@BrodyPro.com.

June 30 “Leap Second Adjustment”: The timekeepers will either add or subtract a second from time today to coordinate atomic and astronomical time. The determination to adjust is made by the International Earth Rotation Service of the International Weights and Measures based in Paris France.

The complete list of events and ideas for June is available at www.byrnesmedia.com.
