Bob Pittman delivers address to Ad Age conference

Bob Pittman
Bob Pittman

Bob Pittman, the Chairman of Media and Entertainment for Clear Channel, gave an interesting address to the Advertising Age Digital Conference about the state of radio in America last Thursday (7 April). 

It’s worth watching the video just to see Pittman’s view of how well radio is performing. “Radio is the second most consumed media in the USA, but it is currently an undervalued medium because radio is not getting its fair share of the advertising revenue” said Pittman. 

Pittman came to Clear Channel to drive their digital business so this video gives some insight as to where Clear Channel may be heading with their digital strategy. He said, “We have brand permission to give them more than things in the audio stream. Replays, new parts of the show, coupons, access to artists … it’s the power of being local. We have a social connection, which adds a whole other layer. Radio really does have a tribe who wants to talk to each other.” Click here to watch the 11 minute video.
