‘Localists’ Turn to TV, Newspapers, Radio Before Hyperlocal Sites, Study Shows

The local Community Portal is becoming more and more popular these days, as more companies get into the  content business and build new websites to provide comprehensive community news to attract highly engaged readers and countless small advertisers.  Also the delivery is better as users access these sites not only via computers but also via smart phones and iPads. By the way, I was in a meeting this week and 6 people in the room had and were accessing information (checking facts) via thier iPads, which kept the speakers on thier toes!  A new study out of the USA shows that the traditional media is still dominant. For clarify I should point out that this article was wrriten by Jason Klein who is president-CEO of Newspaper National Network, a sales and marketing partnership of 25 major newspaper companies. You can check out the story from Ad Age here.
