All the key players showed up in Toronto on Thursday October 21 for the Ontario Association of Broadcasters conference and gala. It was pleasing to see so many broadcasters present, many of whom were looking to fill the conference void left by the demise of the CAB.
After the AGM there was a day of interesting sessions. While all the speakers where well worth the price of admission, the three that stood out for me were Mark Ramsey who gave a thought provoking speech about “Success in the Post-Media age. Over lunch research and futurist John Parikhal talked about “Media in Chaos” and the 5 trends that are reshaping TV, Radio and the Internet.
You can read more about this here. John is clearly not impressed with PPM, and suggested that the radio industry was being fooled into paying for measurement data that will ultimately hurt radio especially at the agency level.
Next was John Potter from the Radio Advertising Bureau. He talked about how to monetize radio and the internet. John showed lots of slides and we have provided a link so you can see all this material here.
The event finished with the presentation of “Lifetime Achievement Awards” to Jim Waters and Duff Roman.
Hat’s off to the OAB team, who worked hard to put this one day conference together. Well worth the money.