RMB joins CAB in closing it’s doors

CRTC Commisioner Steve Simpson sent a clear mesage to broadcasters at the BCAB recently when he said “If radio does not have a voice in Ottawa then Ottawa cannot hear you.”  Now the RBM is closing it’s doors as of 31 August 2010.

This move, coupled with the recent closure of the Canadian Association of Broadcasters (CAB), paves the way for the radio industry to re-establish its presence in the new media environment with one association dedicated to its particular legislative, regulatory, sales and marketing needs.

Lesley Conway-Kelley, Chair of the RMB, stated, “Radio’s future is bright and the best way to move forward and continue to be relevant in the current competitive environment is to focus our resources into one association with a broader yet focused mandate.” Additionally she said, “The only way this action is possible is that we are able to build on the superior work of the RMB and its team under the leadership of its President, Gary Belgrave, to transition into a new association that will combine the strengths of both the CAB and the RMB.”

Industry executives are currently working together to develop the framework for this new association and further announcements will be forthcoming in the near future.
